Here is my latest heart themed block. This one is a great stash buster! You can use any scraps of yarn you have to make the log cabin love crochet block. However, the yarn does need to be roughly the same weight.
To make the examples shown here I have used Stylecraft Special Chunky and a 6mm hook. You can see the range here where I buy all my yarn at Woolwarehouse.
It is possible to mix different yarn types and I can cover this in a separate post if you would find it helpful. Please leave a comment to let me know.
NOTE – This pattern will be a lot easier to follow when I add photos which will follow in the coming week – before end Jan 21. If you find it hard to follow please come back when the photos are up. ๐
Log Cabin Love crochet block pattern – UK crochet terms
NOTE – for US terms simply work DC where the pattern states Tr.
The heart of the pattern (see what I did there?) is the crochet heart. To make the heart you need to follow this link to my new large crochet heart pattern. The link takes you to another page on my blog where you will find the free pattern in both UK and US crochet terms. I made a few of these hearts then started to build the log cabin panels around them.
This diagram shows you the order in which the panels are worked.

First panel
With your crochet heart face up this panel sits down the left hand side of the heart. We will be working from top to bottom of the block. The first four blocks have foundation rows made of chain stitch or slip stitches. This is because they frame the heart and are not joined to anything else in places.
First row

Make a loop to start and chain 3. Count the stitches up the left side from the bottom of the heart with the bottom stitch being #1, slip stitch into #13 to attach your chain to the heart. Continue with 12 more chain. Turn the work ready for the second row.

Second row
(wrong side facing) work 1Tr into the fourth chain from the hook. Continue working Tr along this row, 7 more Tr will take you to the slip stitch on the edge of the heart. Work 1 Tr into this stitch then 1Tr into each of the three chain stitches to reach the end of the row. CH3 and turn the work ready for the final row of this first panel.

Third row
(right side facing) miss the first stitch and work 12 Trs to take you to the end of the row. Fasten off the yarn.
Second panel
With your crochet heart face up this panel sits across the top of the heart. We will be working from right to left of the block.
First row
Make a loop to start and chain 3. Slip stitch into the top of the right side of the heart to attach your chain to the heart. Continue with 6 more chain stitches then slip stitch to attach the chain to the top of the left side of the heart. Chain 3 then slip stitch into the edge of the top of panel 1 and work 3 more slip stitches across the top of block 1 to take you to the top left hand corner of the log cabin love block. Chain 3 and turn the work ready for the second row.

Second row
(wrong side facing) miss the first stitch then work 3Tr into the slip stitches across the top of block 1. Work 3Tr into the three chain stitches then one Tr into the slip stitch at the top of the left side of the heart. Work 6Tr into the middle chain section then 1 Tr into the slip stitch at the top of the right side of the heart. Finally work 1Tr into each of the three chain stitches to reach the end of the row. CH3 and turn the work ready for the final row of the second panel.
Third row
(right side facing) miss the first stitch and work 17 Tr to take you to the end of the row. Fasten off the yarn.
Third panel
With your crochet heart face up this panel sits down the right hand side of the heart. We will be working from the bottom to the top of the block.
First row
Make a loop to start and chain 9. Count the stitches up the right side from the bottom of the heart with the bottom stitch being #1, slip stitch into #13 to attach your chain to the heart. Continue with 3 more chain then slip stitch into the bottom corner of panel 2 and work 3 more slip stitches across the end of panel 2. Turn the work ready for the second row.

Second row
(wrong side facing) miss the first stitch and work 3 Tr into the slip stitches on the previous row. Work 1Tr into each of the 3CH then one Tr into the slip stitch at the right side of the heart. Finally work into the Chain 9 Tr to reach the bottom of this panel. CH3 and turn the work ready for the final row of this third panel.
Third row
(right side facing) miss the first stitch and work 16 Tr to take you to the end of the row. Fasten off the yarn.
Fourth panel
With your crochet heart face up this panel sits across the bottom of the heart. We will be working from left to right across the bottom of the block.
First row
Attach your yarn to the outside corner of the bottom of panel 1. Slip stich 4 across the bottom of panel 1 then chain six and work one slip stitch into the bottom of the heart. Chain 6 and work four slip stitches across the bottom of panel 3. Chain 3 and turn the work ready for the second row.

Second row
(wrong side facing) Miss the first stitch then work 3Tr into slip stitches across the bottom of panel 3. Continue working 6 Tr into the chain and 1 Tr into the slip stitch at the bottom of the heart. Work 6 Tr into the chain and four Tr into the slip stitches across the bottom of panel 1 to reach the end of the row. CH3 and turn the work ready for the final row of this fourth block.
Third row
(right side facing) miss the first stitch and work 20 Tr to take you to the end of the row. Fasten off the yarn.
Fifth panel
With your crochet heart face up this panel sits along the right side of the block next to panel 3. We will be working from the bottom to the top of the block. Things get easier now with no need for a foundation row.
First row
(right side facing) Attach your yarn to the bottom right corner of the work – at the corner of panel 4 and chain 3. Work 2 Tr into the end of panel 4 then work 17 Tr along panel 3. Chain 3 and turn the work ready for the second row.

Second row
(wrong side facing) miss the first stitch and work 19 Tr to take you to the end of the row. Fasten off the yarn.
Sixth panel
With your crochet heart face up this panel sits across the bottom of the block below panel 4. We will be working from the right to left side of the block.
First row
(wrong side facing) Attach your yarn to the bottom right corner of the work – at the corner of panel 5 and chain 3. Work 2 Tr into the end of panel 5 then work 21 Tr along panel 4. Chain 3 and turn the work ready for the second row.

Second row
(right side facing) miss the first stitch and work 23 Tr to take you to the end of the row. Fasten off the yarn.
Seventh panel
With your crochet heart face up this panel sits along the right side of the block next to panel 5. We will be working from the bottom to the top of the block.
First row
(right side facing) Attach your yarn to the bottom right corner of the work – at the corner of panel 5 and chain 3. Work 2 Tr into the end of panel 5 then work 20 Tr along panel 3. Chain 3 and turn the work ready for the second row.

Second row
(wrong side facing) miss the first stitch and work 22 Tr to take you to the end of the row. Fasten off the yarn.
Eighth panel
With your crochet heart face up this panel sits across the bottom of the block below panel 6. We will be working from the right to left side of the block.
First row
(wrong side facing) Attach your yarn to the bottom right corner of the work – at the corner of panel 7 and chain 3. Work 2 Tr into the end of panel 7 then work 24 Tr along panel 6. Chain 3 and turn the work ready for the second row.

Second row
(right side facing) miss the first stitch and work 26 Tr to take you to the end of the row. Fasten off the yarn.

I hope you love this Log Cabin Love crochet block and have fun making log cabin blankets to share the love. I have some suggested blanket layouts which I will post separately but I wanted to get his pattern out there! Happy crocheting!
Annie ๐