Hello and welcome to my 7th update. I am still aiming to do these weekly but my week was crazy busy last week and I didn’t make enough progress to tell you about!
Over the last two weeks I managed to complete the squares for my hearts and spots blanket. Here are the last four rows. These are not laid out in the order I plan to put them together here but you get the idea.
The original colour layout looked like this. I will be joining the blocks in this order more or less.
The heart squares are less stable than the spot and solid squares so rather than make it random I am rotating the three designs which means that a heart square will always be surrounded by solid/spot squares. Here are the finished blocks in their colour piles!
I have been working on joining methods. For my sunshine flower blanket I wanted to make the joins as invisible as possible. This hearts and spots blanket will make a feature of the joins. I am using the mid colour from each of the sets to join the blocks in each row. For the joins between rows I haven’t decided what to use yet. I might carry on with the mid colour of the previous row or might use the bold colours.
Away from this blanket I have been trying to get organised. I recently published a couple of posts on daily and weekly planning with free printable planner downloads. I have also been working on a stash catalogue which I will share in a separate post but this is what it looks like. Here is the file as a free download. The file is A5 size so you might need to resize it if you would like a different format. If you have any problems with this please let me know and I will resize the file for you! stash catalogue (11413 downloads )
I have quite a large stash of yarn (!) and much as I try to make use of it before buying more yarn, it doesn’t seem to reduce any! I hope that having it catalogued and available to browse through will improve my ability to create ideas to use it all. One thing I have found is that as I go through the backs of cupboards and packing boxes to look at all my yarn, I am falling in love with it all over again. I have found some yarns I didn’t know I had! I read an article on yarn stashing and I know I am not the worst for this. I do not have any yarn deliberately hidden from my family. I loved one story I read, of a knitter who had removed a bath panel to create a new hiding place for an extreme stash ๐
That’s all from me this week. I will go back to joining squares and cataloguing my stash. I hope to be able to edge the hearts and spots blanket next weekend and to share the final pattern. Happy crocheting!
Annie ๐