This has been an lovely weekend for me with my Sunshine Flower Blanket adding the big flowers to the work. I started making these months ago and have been working on them on the train to work every morning. There are six squares on each side of the blanket, 36 in total. You can read my previous posts on this blanket here Sunshine Flower Blanket, and here Sunshine Flower Blanket – Progress.
First step has been to block each of the squares. This makes them all beautifully flat and regular – much easier to work with. I joined six of the squares into a strip using a method that I will share in a separate post. I found that leaving the ends between the squares unfinished worked well because that gave me more yarn to work with when joining the strip of squares to the main blanket.
So far I have only added flower squares to two sides of the blanket. I have finished all the flower squares I need to complete the blanket but the flower squares for the remaining two sides are still being blocked. The picture below shows a corner of the blanket with the two sides completed.
Next weekend I will complete the round of flower squares and then add more Vanilla rounds before putting in another band of colour. I haven’t found the perfect edging yet but I plan to use all three of the darker colours around the edge. The finished blanket is going to be around 5 or 6 foot square so the outer rounds will take some time to complete!
There will be some flower squares left over so I have been designing a cushion to match the blanket. I will make both the blanket and cushion patterns available if there is any interest. The pattern for the main square came from the book in the link below – ‘A Square a Day’ by Tracey Lord.
I have run out of work to do on this blanket on my commute. The main blanket is far to big to travel with as a project so I have started some new work. I will miss these lovely cheerful colours though they have brightened my journey through the dark winter months 🙂 The final blanket will brighten any room! I am really looking forward to seeing it finished! Let me know what you think by leaving me a comment.
Happy crocheting,
Annie 🙂
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