This is a blog post straight from the heart. I need help! I need My Amazing Month! Do you ever feel like you are your own worst enemy? I did really well last year to lose a bit of weight and improve my work life balance and self-care. I made great progress with all my projects but it has all started going badly wrong!! I feel like I need a kick start to a new routine and to find some motivation from somewhere. Do you know the feeling?
It is time to stop thinking about it. It is time to stop putting this off until next week, next month, next year and start making the changes. Join me and we will knock ourselves into shape together!!
I don’t know when you are reading this. I am writing it just at the start of a month. I have missed the first two days and I am tempted to put this all off until the start of next month but NOOOO!!!!! that is just more of the same bad attitude and there is no need…. This is ONE month – it doesn’t have to be a calendar month. Download the tracker, print it, fill it out and START NOW!!!
Let me introduce you to the tracker that will help us sort ourselves out!! There are five sections to the tracker – five sections that you need to give thought to as you prepare for your Amazing Month!
1. Focus
This section of the tracker is where you put the areas of your life you want to focus on. I have allowed space for five items here. Any more than five and you are not focussed! Arguably you could only include one item here, it all depends what you want to fix! Whatever you put as your focus I would ask you to consider including self-care. Life is so pressured and we are all so hard on ourselves. It is easy to forget that we have a responsibility to look after our mental well being.
2. Goals
Use this section to capture the goals you are setting yourself for the month. These should be things that you can achieve in the space of a month as progress towards your wider/life goals. If you are looking to complete a larger project then break it down into a realistic chunk that you can deliver if you really apply yourself for 31 days! I will share my completed tracker here so you can see the challenge I am setting myself. I also plan to post my part completed tracker each week so you can see whether or not this process is working for me!
3. Daily Tracker
This is the business section. Look at your goals and focus and work out what actions or habits you need to set in order to deliver against your 31 day goals. There is enough space to record 10 items here but if you feel you need more just print more sheets! I suggest you also write the items you are going to track on an index card or other small format that you can keep with you all the time. You could print two copies of the tracker and cut this section out to keep with you. Keep checking the balance of the things you are tracking. Make sure you leave room for self-care and try not to make the schedule so punishing that you can’t keep to it. The idea here is to plan for success.
4. I am doing this because…..
This is your space to remind yourself of why you are doing this. Try to put thoughts and feelings into this box that will keep you going through the month when things get hard. Things will get hard if you have set your goals appropriately but the messages you give yourself here will carry you through. One thing that drives me as I start My Amazing Month is that the do nothing option doesn’t leave me in the same position in a months time. Everything would be on month worse!! ๐
5. Treats!
Ok – it cannot be hard work all the way. There have to be some treats to look forward to and to fall back on when things get too hard! Consider here which treats would fit in well with your goals. There is no point in having a box of chocolates as a treat if losing weight is one of your goals! This is just one month remember?! You have to try to live without the box of chocolates for 31 days! List here the things that you would like to have as treats during the month.
One of the by-products of my plans for the month is a significant cash saving. I am planning to do more walking and less eating and drinking! This means I can plan a nice treat at the end of the month, a spa visit or some new clothes. Why not see whether you can make savings as part of your Amazing Month and then you can use any spare money to treat yourself to something at the end of the challenge.
That covers all the preparation work. Here is the free download and below that is a picture of my completed tracker as I start My Amazing Month.
My Amazing Month – A4 (11350 downloads ) My Amazing Month – Letter (11074 downloads )Are you going to join me? I don’t know how many people this will reach but I would love to hear from you in the comments section if you are joining me in this challenge. I will share my progress and I look forward to hearing about your success too!
If you like this tracker then please check out my other pages where you will find printables to help you organise life and plan family activities.
Annie ๐